Embrace, Envision, Embody By Peggy McColl

As the author of “Your Destiny Switch,” I’ve delved deep into the art of turning dreams into reality. This transformative journey begins with the mastery of mindful awareness and emotional mastery — essential tools for sculpting the life you’ve always yearned for.

To steer the course of your existence with conscious intention, it’s crucial to understand the interplay between the conscious and subconscious minds. The conscious, our active thinking mind, dictates our daily thoughts and decisions. The subconscious, on the other hand, is our silent partner, accepting our conscious thoughts without question, painting the canvas of our reality with the colors of our emotions.

Our lives take shape through a dance of conception and emotion. An idea sparked in the conscious mind must be passionately impressed upon the subconscious to take root. The beliefs we affirm as true in our conscious mind are the seeds planted in the fertile soil of our subconscious. It is within our power, through imagination and controlled thought, to cultivate these seeds into the garden of our lives.

The mysterious force of creation nestles in the depths of the subconscious. The true power to forge your ideal existence rests within you, waiting to be harnessed. The subconscious transcends rational thought, turning our deepest feelings into the pillars of our reality. It reminds me of Napoleon Hill’s profound insight: striving for the zenith of success requires no more effort than resigning to the depths of failure. Dream big, desire abundantly, and embody those desires as if they are present in your life now.

The alchemy of creation is initiated by an idea, given life by emotion, and actualized through action. An idea, once emotionally charged, sends ripples through the fabric of the universe, signaling the manifestation of your intentions.

Your feelings are the architects of your destiny. To transform your life’s blueprint, you must first remodel your emotional landscape. Live as though your dreams are your reality this very moment, regardless of your current circumstances.

The key to a life of fulfillment and joy lies in your emotional mastery. Do not sink into the quagmire of negative emotions; they only serve to attract more of what you wish to dispel. Instead, elect to foster the emotional responses that resonate with your dream life.

Start today. Ask yourself, “Now that I am living my dream, what is my heart’s response?” Anchor yourself in that feeling. Should you drift, gently guide yourself back. Pose empowering questions: “What is it that I truly desire?” Listen for the answer within, and then, without delay, immerse yourself in the feeling. This is the essence of transformation: embrace, envision, and embody.

Special note: If you would love to master your life, check out http://SevenDayMiracle.com